Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Diamo spazio alla satira.

Introducing two very nice photos created by our compatriot militellese. . .
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Lista civica - amministrative 2012

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Letter Asking For Contributions

E' solo nostalgia? O vero e proprio rimpianto?

Our country is again experiencing one of the darkest periods of its history. The great Italian nation has become feared and respected by all in the years of Fascist is now becoming the joke of the whole world. An inadequate political class of people incapable of sexual perverts on the one hand and the other frustrated. We would tell us nostalgic ... but what's wrong with being nostalgic for a decent country? What's nostalgic in wanting to have a political class worthy of the name? And now instead of all this is just a mirage!
is not a matter of being puritanical or not: the Duce certainly was not and is now famous for his escapades che però iniziano e finivano all'interno di una stanza senza pagamenti in denaro, senza cocaina e senza sciacalli pronti a venderti alla prima occasione. Un'altra cosa è poi certa: nessuna delle sue donne veniva eletta al Parlamento o negli altri organi di rappresentanza.
Quando si andava all'estero si ricevevano tutti gli onori del caso e non gli sberleffi sotto i baffi anche dei più bassi funzionari del paese ospitante: nelle visite ufficiali si faceva semmai il punto sullo sviluppo che l'Italia stava avendo, sulla costruzione delle infrastrutture e sul progresso sociale nel quale eravamo paese all'avanguardia nel mondo!
Quelle infrastrutture, quegli ammortizzatori sociali, la cultura del lavoro inculcata alle masse per il fine superiore del benessere collettivo (famosissimo il "si lavora e si produce per l'Italia e per il Duce"), hanno fatto sì che l'Italia conoscesse quello sviluppo economico che la porterà nel dopoguerra ad essere uno dei paesi più ricchi del mondo: siamo infatti convinti che proprio al Fascismo sia dovuto il nostro benessere economico odierno e non certo a quattro mafiosi democristiani che hanno gettato l'Italia nel abisso del debito pubblico attuale!
L'Italia fascista produceva, faceva pagare molte meno tasse e non aveva debito pubblico! Nemmeno in tempo di guerra!
PERCHE QUESTO? Perchè nessuno rubava! L'esatto opposto di quanto avvenuto dal dopoguerra ad oggi! Proprio cosi those € 2 trillion that we hear every now and tell on TV 4 million billion old lire? You can write such a number?
Here it is: 4,000,000,000,000,000
Because today we are backward and outdated in many areas even by third world countries? Simple: because what it cost last 100 was built with 80 and not 3000 as is the case today! The Italian infrastructure are still from time immemorial! The schools that host our children are largely those fascist! The railways of my Calabria are those built by Mussolini in Spain when they traveled on mules and often not even those! Today in Spain itself there is a high-speed and highly developed by we are left with the railways of the '30s: and we are still asking why Italy is not growing?
is why we have remained firm: nailed to that April 1945 or if we are at that 10 June 1940. not miss: the simple truth!
The other day happened to read an article which refers to disregard the opinions of many men of foreign governments, foreign scholars and philosophers, people then and now believed to become a "beacon of Western democracies." For Mussolini not a negative comment and judge the work of the various governments in addressing the crisis of 1929 began to envy the Americans themselves "the lucky Italy led by Mussolini "thus concluding the article" America would need another Mussolini but the odds that two men born in the same century is almost impossible similar.
's right man who is in Italy instead been humiliated, killed, demonized.
It is true we are nostalgic for when we were respected and not mocked!
Ps. attention, it seems that in Italy these days has been sighted the niece of Fidel Castro does not stop it ... please! the Comrades of the police that we should read my appeal and my sympathy.
Joseph Minnella
Dir. Resp. Ilduce.net