Friday, October 26, 2007

Silly Wedding Rsvp Wording

and staff of the Horse Play Horse Play the autumn

Responsabile tecnico della Play Horse Team srl, l'area che si occupa della commercializzazione cavalli,e istruttore federale per meriti sportivi E-mail:

Knight and Head of Management Working horses commerce E-mail: @ l.denardis

Manager welfare of horses E-mail:

President of Horse Play Club, the area that deals with the barn, care for horses and private school Riding

Responsible Hospitality

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Doesjeffree Star Have A

Stage Alviano

Stage Fall:
the instructor Sed Simone, along with the Federal Technical Mario Allegretti during the months of October / December is permanently available on the premises of PLAY HORSE FARM for advanced stage of jumping. E 'can mount your horse or horses to mount the scuderia.Requisiti: possosso be at least the patent. Period of at least 3 days. E 'can stay in business and keep your horse at the facilities.
Prezzi da concordare secondo le esigenze.
info NADIA 333.4240339

Nel mese di ottobre è previsto l'arrrivo di 12 cavalli da varie parti dell'europa. Chi è interessato ad avere notizie in merito mandi una mail a

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Herpes Feel Like Bug Bites?

My puledrea of \u200b\u200b3 years, Roby Saracca

E' con immenso piacere che vi presento la mia puledra di 3 anni ROBY.
Roby è una purosangue italiana dell'allevamento di Carlo Conti e nasce da Dankeston (USA) e Chio Mara (ITA).
A voi le immagini:

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ohio Drivers Template

FEI European Jumping Championship - Mannheim

For those who had not had the chance to see the European Championships that were held in Germany in Manneheim here's the link to the website where you can find articles, photos and video of the entire competition, which I remind you was won from the Amazon Meredith Michaels Beerbaum .
"With the completion of the medal Set for the German hosts by the individual gold medal, won by Meredith Michaels Beerbaum, and the individual bronze medal, Achieved by Ludger Beerbaum, on the final day - silver on Friday after team - ended the FEI European Jumping Championship in Mannheim the MVV Riding Stadium on Sunday. In a dramatic final, Jos Lansink (Belgium) won the silver medal in the individual ranking in front of 11,000 spectators. With a total of 57,500 spectators at all six days, the mark That Had Been in September before, Was exceeded. "

This ranking instead of the first 21 pairs championship:
1.) Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum (Thedinghausen) mit Shutterfly - 4 Punkte
2.) Michael Whitaker (Großbritannien) mit Portofino - 7 Punkte
3.) Lars Nieberg (Homberg / Ohm) mit Lucie - 9 Punkte
3.) Marcus Ehning (Borken) mit Gitana - 9 Punkte
5) Kimberly Frey (USA) with Marlou - 6 10 points
) Steve Guerdat (Switzerland) with Isovlas Pialotta - 11 points
7) Rodrigo Pessoa (Brazil) with Baloubet de Rouet-12 points
8) Marko Kutscher (Riesenbeck) with cash - 15 points
9) Philip Ludo Aerts (Belgium), Parco - 16 points
9) Alois Pollmann-Schweckhorst (Warstein) with Candy - 16 points
11) Markus Beerbaum (GER) with Constantin - 17 points
12) Schuyler Riley (USA) Ilian - 18 points
12th) Ludger Beerbaum (Riesenbeck) with Couleur Rubin - 18 points
14) Jessica Kürten (Ireland), Quibell - 20 points
15.) Bruno Broucqsault (Frankreich) mit Hooligan de Rosyl – 21 Punkte
16.) McLain Ward (USA) mit Sapphire – 27 Punkte
16.) Eric Lamaze (Kanada) mit Tempete V/H Lindehof – 27 Punkte
18.) Nicole Simpson (USA) mit El Campeon´s So Long – 28 Punkte
19.) Richard Davenport (Großbritannien) mit Laguina – 31 Punkte
20.) Phillipe Leoni (Frankreich) mit Cyrenaika FRH – 32 Punkte
21.) Gabriela Salick (USA) mit Sandstone Laurin – 41 Punk

License Plate Ontario Colour

Jos Lansink Spruce Meadows in 2007

Amici cavalieri appassionati di salto ostacoli: vi mostro l'incredibile video di Cumano, il bellissimo grgio di Jos Lansink , all'ultimo concorso ippico internazionale che si è tenuto allo Spruce Meadows.

Lascio a voi i commenti di questo incredibile saltatore.

Newfie St Bernard Mix

Hall of Fame Plaza Siena

Sperando di avervi fatto cosa gradita di seguito, dopo una breve ricerca, vi riporto l'albo d'oro degli ultimi vent'anni del Gran Premio Roma di Piazza di Siena .

2007 - 75° CSIO John Whitaker GBR Peppermill
2006 - 74° CSIO Nick Skelton GBR Arko III
2005 - 73° CSIO Christian Ahlmann GER Coster
2004 - 72° CSIO Eugenie Angot FRA Cigale du Tallis
2003 - 71° CSIO Bruno Broucqsault FRA Dileme de Cephe
2002 - 70° CSIO Claire Bronfman USA Charltlon
2001 - 69° CSIO Markus Fucks SVI Cosima
2000 - 68° CSIO Dirk Demeersman BEL First Samuel
2000 - 67° CSIO Lisen Bratt SVE Casanova
1999 - 66° CSIO Thierry Pomel FRA Thor des Chaines
1997 - 65° CSIO Margie Goldstein-Engle USA Hidden Creek's Laurel
1996 - 64° CSIO Franke Sloothaak GER San Patrignano Joly Coeur
1995 - 63° CSIO Franke Sloothaak GER San Patrignano Joly Coeur
1994 - 62° CSIO Arnaldo Bologni ITA May Day
1993 - 61° CSIO Jean Claude Vangeenberghe BEL Osta Carpets Queen
1992 - 60° CSIO Hervé Godignon FRA Quidam de Revel
1991 - 59° CSIO Hervé Godignon FRA Akai Prince D'Inconv.
1989 - 58° CSIO Jean Claude Vangeenberghe BEL Queen of Diamond
1988 - 57° CSIO Helen Weinberg GER Just Malone
1987 - 56° CSIO Vicky Roycroft AUS Apache

buona consultazione a tutti.

Why Mexicans Look At Indians?

APEX to help young talents

Ecco l’appello che Apice , Associazione Proprietari Italiani Cavalli Equitazione, ha lanciato in occasione di uno degli eventi più importanti dell’anno svoltosi presso le strutture sempre particolarmente accoglienti delle Siepi di Cervia.

Durante quest’ultima settimana settembrina, coccolati da un clima mite e favorevole lo svolgimento delle gare, più di quattrocento binomi si sono battuti per il miglior titolo delle rispettive categorie, Apice, ha voluto essere presente con il suo già ormai famoso Hospitality point. A bordo campo, i Soci hanno potuto prendere visione delle nuove iniziative, discutere i loro problemi e le opportunità future con lo staff Apice e soprattutto con il Presidente Cav. Vittorio Orlandi , attentive and sensitive to different issues and expectations of everyone to have presented him a question. New initiative, much appreciated by owners, riders and trainers has been to urge people to give good horses and talented young people to follow them technically and organizationally a constant and method in order to begin to forge new standards for a future victory blue.
The first supporter of this initiative, it was the Cavalier Vittorio Orlandi, that when the league presented its promising subject "DIEGO", age 8, German, under the seat of his father's footsteps "Philip Codecasa ( JUN-Absolute), this initiative came only three weeks, but the talent of Philip, the qualities of affection Diego coach Cav. Orlandi, besides availability of family Codecasa wing have already given indications of interest. All demonstrations that this initiative can be a very useful way for our sport. But with this, we must not think that this treatment is reserved only to the names already known to the Apex wanted to set a good example, but urges and encourages all owners, riders and trainers to inform potential new talent, sending messages, complete with video and curriculum of the "talented rider" on or when located in Apex Viale XXIV Maggio, 3-21013 Gallarate (Va). At the same time urges the owners to make available some of their horses to realize this initiative.
Remember "together we can achieve the dream of climbing the highest point of the podium" EUROPEAN "