Monday, January 31, 2011

Pic Of Moltted Skin On Leg

Diamo spazio alla satira.

PREMESSA :  Destra e Left . . . Bring trouble! ! !
Who is with them only LECCO something can be done. . .
who is not with them will go only to Zappa. . .
Good thinking! ! !

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vans Employment Application

The following video shows how the "middle school students Pietro Carrera, condemn, is made accessible to the public during the Feast of the Prickly Pear and Mustard .

Full Or Partial Highlights

The following video mostra le PESSIME condizioni interne della “SCUOLA MEDIA PIETRO CARRERA” in cui i nostri ragazzi hanno dovuto svolgere le loro attività scolastiche.

Rosalind Ethics Virtue

Tutti a scuola ! ! !

Durante la sagra della mostarda e del ficodindia è successo un evento alquanto strano; dopo tutti gli allarmismi, inagibilità della struttura, evacuazioni, comitato dei genitori, consigli comunali, scuola pomeridiana, e tant’altro . . . che cosa fanno i nostri “EROI”: RENDONO LA STRUTTURA ACCESSIBILE AL PUBBLICO! ! ! (Studenti, turisti, concittadini etc . . . ma tenetevi forte . . . the organizers! ! ! Maybe with the task to "bear STRUCTURE! ! !)
from all this "AMBARADAM" emerge something even more "terrifying"
1, the poor conditions inside the structure where our boys had to carry out school activities;
2 ° The fact that it was "OK" declared unfit for use structure in 1960, but no report was made a second structure, "in ICPCarrera Viale Regina Margherita" which dates back to 1940! ! !

"HERE WE ALL THAT CAT CI COVA SA"... But, as always... All is well!! !

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ap Biology Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Equations

Asilo Nido Comunale . . .

This is the 'current condition in which it occurs' s municipal day-care a Settembre 2010, dopo aver stanziato "260 MILA EURO" per la ristrutturazione dell' edificio ! ! !
Speriamo almeno che le condizioni interne della struttura siano migliori ( ??? ) . . .
Come sempre . . . VA TUTTO BENE . . . tanto esiste l' alternativa: "ASILO NIDO PRIVATO" ! ! !
Siamo messi proprio male . . .

Friday, January 28, 2011

Grace Quek Consultant

Diamo spazio alla satira.

Ecco a voi il II Num. del "MILITUM LECCUS".

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Replace Thule Lock Cylinder

"Emergenza rifiuti" a Militello in Val di Catania.

Da alcuni mesi i “ GIOVANI COMUNISTI ” con la loro azione simbolica di bonifica di alcune areas, are trying to raise awareness of citizenship "uncivilized" and 'local government' Inefficiency and insensitive to this issue .
The three pictures are well differentiated and the waste collected in the last three ecological days before being placed in front of the Palazzo Comunale

- ECO-DAY V performed by the Young Communist League at "our" Villa Comunale on 07/17/2010;

- VI carried out by ECO-DAY YOUNG COMMUNISTS & free citizens in "OUR" Via Ugo la Malfa on 25/07/2010;

- ECO-DAY VII carried out by the Young Communist League in "our" Via Don Mario Ventura on 08/07/2010.

Note how much waste in the sun "TRE" reclaimed areas. . . we are just animals! ! !

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Spottip Of Tongue Tip

Metodo legale per non votare.

E '' s time to say "ENOUGH " to all politicians in office. . . here is a trump card to STOP THEM! ! !