Monday, March 9, 2009

Premier Pro2.0 시리얼

L'Italia del 2009: dove si difendono i criminali di guerra

Sicily has so many died at the hands of the mafia that if each of them would name a street may not be enough all streets, avenues, squares, alleys, lanes of Italy in 2009 and yet today in Italy there are roads, streets, squares dedicated to Josip Broz, better known as "TITO . He himself the executioner of Yugoslavia, responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Italians, who forced the exodus of hundreds thousands of Istria, who confiscated all the assets of Italian households in Istria and Dalmatia.

Today in Italy we commemorate the Day of Remembrance Foibe and Istrian exodus February 10 and in some cities of our country are respectful memories of this common criminal! I mean: in Israel remembers the Holocaust but squares and streets are dedicated to Hitler. Maybe we could fly nuisance of politics? Obviously the answer: absolutely not!

Hence Canicattì that, in the province of Agrigento, the city council of the Fiamma Tricolore Joseph Cammalleri petitioned the mayor to remove a way that the result of a residuo storico ("Il comunismo è libero e bello trallallero trallallà). Riportiamo quindi di seguito la richiesta della Fiamma e l'assurda risposta del vice sindaco del comune di Canicattì Gaetano Rizzo.

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