Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Milena Velba Free Streaming Milena Velba?

Elezioni Europee: i Risultati

Fiamma Tricolore in Calabria Region

9,526 votes - 1.09%

Cosenza 4509 to 1.18%
Catanzaro 1543 to 1.10%
Reggio Calabria 2188 to 1.05%
Crotone 865 to 1.05%
Vibo Valentia 421 to 0.67% Total


Francesco De Leo - 1,050 votes (Calabria - 953);
Luca Romagnoli - 3,215 votes (Calabria - 934);

Preferences Region

Francesco De Leo - 953;
Luca Romagnoli - 934;

Preferences Province of Reggio Calabria

Francesco De Leo - 687;
Luca Romagnoli - 393;

Some local results:

Approval - 14.80%
Tauranga - 7.06%
Villa San Giovanni - 1.97%;
Terranova SM - 3.57%;
Cinquefrondi - Novigrad
1.39% - 1.86%;
Condofuri -
Feroleto 1.41% - 1.87%
Giffone -
Laureana 1.95% - 1.39%
Maropati - 1.82 Montebello
% - 1.38%
Statues -
Roccella 1.49% - 1.47%;
San Procopio - 1.74% of
Sant'Eufemia A. - 1.87%;
Reggio Calabria city - 0.70%


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