Friday, May 21, 2010

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21/05/10 - Press Release Donegani opening rally on election Fasulo pro

PRESS RELEASE 21/05/2010

GELA, ELECTIONS: overflowing Geles ACCORSI FLOW TO ATTEND, enthusiastic, at the meeting's opening Fasulo AND IN SUPPORT OF COALITION. CLEAR INDICATION TO WIN WITHOUT ballot

A multitude of men, women, young and old has walked every inch available to Piazza Umberto I, where starting from 19:00 last night, has run held speech opening the campaign of the candidate for mayor Angelo Fasulo, certainly the largest and most celebrated part among those so far as to anticipate the desire of many a victory already al primo turno, il 30 e 31 maggio. Presenti, sul palco, tutti i candidati dei partiti a sostegno, anche quelli inopinatamente esclusi dalla competizione elettorale. A prendere la parola per primo è stato proprio Grazio Trufolo che, nel tradire una certa emozione a fronte di una platea così folta e nutrita, ha ringraziato per la strepitosa accoglienza ed ha confermato il sostegno del Partito Liberale e del Partito Alleanza per l'Italia, guidato dall'ex presidente della provincia Filippo Collura, alla candidatura di Fasulo. E' stata poi la volta di Fortunato Ferracane, indicato a vice-sindaco in caso di elezione di Fasulo, a puntare l'attenzione sulla necessità di un governo locale che guardi alle risorse umane e materiali di cui dispone, più that aid and references in addition to "Ponte Olivo," but even then there are people who will help the coalition to open, but to break through the gates of Palermo, Rome or Brussels. Following the party colleague and leader of the Gela MPA, deputy chairman of the Ars and the province of Caltanissetta, Hon Fred Pine, who has claimed responsibility for the action taken last year and a half, with facts and documents in hand, without the talk they will use those 38 years and takes around Gela Gela. Particularly strong, vehement and at times devastating, the intervention of the deputy of the Democratic Party Gela Regional Assembly, Mr Miguel Donegani, which did not send some people to say, cursing, boasts of having founded after leaving a party or which is more or less famous quotes knowing that they were "last night on that stage and not the rate of days ago. Intense and deep involvement of the flood, an overflowing tide of citizens affollatasi in Piazza Umberto I was honored with thunderous applause that the various interventions, especially the final Angelo Fasulo close a triumphant evening in which, among the proposals for city \u200b\u200belection in the program reviewed and the apparent consent given by the deluge of Gela rushed into the streets, the democratic life of this town has had a couple of hours to say the least memorable.

Mr Miguel Donegani


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