Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Giving Blood For Money In Boca Raton

I Bronzi a La Maddalena? Il Sindaco farà la scelta giusta!

In riferimento alle polemiche sorte negli ultimi giorni e regarding the proposal to transfer the bronze Statues at La Maddalena to the G8 Scopelliti, we are sure that the mayor will make the right choice for the city of Reggio.
The mayor himself is not in fact conducive to the transfer a priori for a short time but made it clear that he will wait to hear the first proposals of the Minister Bondi. Only if the same duty to repay the city will open a possibility for the transfer of the two works.
This happens because only a year away from when the mayor was opposed to the move to Mantua of important works of our museum. In that case, he avoided a clear impoverishment of the museum and the city with a exchange of works that began in the peace of mind all and represented a new element never before experienced in our city .
Of course, this can not be repeated with the Bronze Statues, unique works in the world, but the window of the G8 and the international TV taking them over are free to sponsor a Reggio Calabria and all. How do you not understand this benefit?
It's better than spending public money on useless spot on the national media as has often occurred to date. Who has forgotten the instruction of the example in this regard from the Region of the famous Oliviero Toscani? O the money spent on the European Community become a sponsor of the national soccer team?! What benefits have resulted in practical terms these initiatives? Our
not meant as a dig against a left already close to despair but a call to common sense. Mayor Scopelliti is not deficient in this respect. that the city should give confidence to those who administer the for seven years and was not afraid to defend it in situations far more serious than at present.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank Youemail Subject

10 Febbraio - La Giornata del Ricordo

Editoriale de Ilduce.net of February 9, 2009


Recitation of poetry on so suddenly that one of our dear visitor foibe granted us back in 2001. had to pass three more long years before the Italian government to recognize the tragedy of the sinkholes.
Today everyone to bear the famous "bow tricolor" in memory of those Italians whose only crime was to be our own countrymen.

In 2001 when we started talking about foibe but the web was almost deserted on this despite all they knew for more than 50 years and what were the crimes of the Communists foibe Slavs and Italians who killed him, throwing them into the chambers of ground decine di migliaia di italiani non comunisti.
Un vero e proprio genocidio studiato a tavolino con la regia del Maresciallo Tito il Boja , quel maresciallo sulla cui tomba andò a piangere l'allora presidente Sandro Pertini, anche lui partigiano, anche lui ex-assassino pre e post 25 aprile.
E come rivelato da Ilduce.net già 8 anni fa, lo Stato italiano ha pagato per oltre 50 anni la pensione a coloro che uccisero gli italiani , ai partigiani slavi, agli autori di quell'orrenda carneficina che dal 1944 al '47 coinvolse il Friuli, l'Istria e la Dalmazia.
E lo si deve agli eroi della X° Mas e a molti altri battaglioni della Repubblica Sociale se altre decine di migliaia di italiani si survived, and had time to get away from those areas where Slavic and Italian partisans did massacre of defenseless people. They were not only fascists but also priests and policemen, ordinary people, honest workers who did not want to say give the Italians in those days of war and terror.
crimes have gone unpunished, for which there was no process: all buried under what will be the first Republic unborn that the infamy was born and died with the same infamy.

For fifty long years, to make her comfortable parliamentary between DC and PCI, it is hidden a great tragedy which is still not possible to track the number of deaths in concentration camps Slavs and sinkholes.
should remember February 10 Italians then what we always remember and never forget. Long live the martyrs of sinkholes, their lives Italy. What today is no more.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Instructables Sausage Stuffer

Europee e 4%: quello che gli italiani non sanno...

This week will be passed further legislation kills democracy: that it will introduce the dam of 4% in European elections. You say the dam is present in many European countries. is good, I agree with what was said but no European country has the diversity that is instead present policy has always been compulsory in Italy and this simplification of the party system can be very dangerous.
Over 60% of Italians are in favor of this reform as the same is to diminish the political fragmentation in Europe. But we wonder which fragment??
The European Parliament is very different from the Italian so that the same group (PPE) sit Forza Italy, Margherita, Udeur, UDC, etc.. parties in Italy are part of different sides! is that the first bale is removed.
Dance No. 2: you save on repayments that smaller parties with a few hundred thousand votes they get millions of euro. It is absolutely not true that Italy allocates € 150 million for reimbursement of election: cake instead of being divided between large and small will now only to parties that exceed 4%. Just to say, all the pennies if you divide PDL, PD, and IDV League. What a pretty crap: money and no money to the poor.
Famous Reggio said: 'the rich' Ricchizzi the dead 'the family' broke 'the pizza .. "

Dance Number 3: the vote of the Italian parliament will be more homogeneous. They forgot to say, for example, when you voted for the penalties to Italy in the European question Lampedusa Members and our loved ones were all at home? Among the few present, to tell the truth, the Hon. Romagnoli's Fiamma Tricolore to speak. The defense Italy da multe di milioni di euro affidata al Parlamentare della Fiamma eletto con lo 0,7%: complimenti!

Balla numero 4: In Europa ci deve andare gente competente. Definiscono in questo modo Iva Zanicchi, Lilli Gruber, Vittorio Prodi? Eh si perchè oltre ballerine e soubrette in Europa ci mandiamo anche fratelli, mogli, cognati oltre ovviamente i trombati che non hanno trovato posto nel Parlamento italiano.
Se gli organi di stampa del nostro caro Presidente del Consiglio dicessero questo agli italiani forse non ci sarebbe più quel 60% di favorevoli alla riforma.
Ma caro Silvio questi sgarbi li pagherai stai tranquillo alle amministrative.
Italia, anno 2009, ancora una volta vergogna!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Compering For School Function

Io sto con Totò! E c'azzecca!!!

Povero Di Pietro, attaccato da tutti in questo periodo: PDL, PD, Presidenza della Repubblica. Il buon caro Tonino lo disse in un'intervista diversi anni fa: "se non ci fosse Berlusconi io sarei di destra e quindi finchè ci sarà lui io starò a sinistra". Come dargli torto?
Del resto gli si può rimproverare qualcosa nell'odiare l'uomo più illegale d'Italia (Berlusconi appunto nda)??

Secondo me no, e io sto con lui. Da amante della legalità quale sono non posso starmene neutrale mentre il Tonino nazionale viene attaccato da tutta quella banda of criminals who sits in Parliament. The former prosecutor, however, is seeing if the bad because the lid off the cauldron is too big for him: the duopoly PDL-PD is now clearly coalesced cover each other in their own filth, all with the calm of our good President of the Republic communist, sorry.

Toni talks about a return to dictatorship, but maybe you dear! Maybe we returned to the fascist dictatorship where the law was the same for everyone, where everyone had the same opportunities to work, when the prime minister lived in a villa for rent!

Today we live in lawlessness dictatorship, a dictatorship where a few unknown command e un Parlamento di stupidi e nominati che esegue, dove poche migliaia di italiani possiedono la metà della ricchezza del paese. E' questa l'odierna dittatura nella quale Berlusconi cambia tutte le regole che gli pare fino alla Corte dei Conti! Una cosa gravissima!

E chi viene indagato? Proprio Di Pietro.... ma che c'azzecca?