Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Giving Blood For Money In Boca Raton

I Bronzi a La Maddalena? Il Sindaco farà la scelta giusta!

In riferimento alle polemiche sorte negli ultimi giorni e regarding the proposal to transfer the bronze Statues at La Maddalena to the G8 Scopelliti, we are sure that the mayor will make the right choice for the city of Reggio.
The mayor himself is not in fact conducive to the transfer a priori for a short time but made it clear that he will wait to hear the first proposals of the Minister Bondi. Only if the same duty to repay the city will open a possibility for the transfer of the two works.
This happens because only a year away from when the mayor was opposed to the move to Mantua of important works of our museum. In that case, he avoided a clear impoverishment of the museum and the city with a exchange of works that began in the peace of mind all and represented a new element never before experienced in our city .
Of course, this can not be repeated with the Bronze Statues, unique works in the world, but the window of the G8 and the international TV taking them over are free to sponsor a Reggio Calabria and all. How do you not understand this benefit?
It's better than spending public money on useless spot on the national media as has often occurred to date. Who has forgotten the instruction of the example in this regard from the Region of the famous Oliviero Toscani? O the money spent on the European Community become a sponsor of the national soccer team?! What benefits have resulted in practical terms these initiatives? Our
not meant as a dig against a left already close to despair but a call to common sense. Mayor Scopelliti is not deficient in this respect. that the city should give confidence to those who administer the for seven years and was not afraid to defend it in situations far more serious than at present.


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