Saturday, February 7, 2009

Instructables Sausage Stuffer

Europee e 4%: quello che gli italiani non sanno...

This week will be passed further legislation kills democracy: that it will introduce the dam of 4% in European elections. You say the dam is present in many European countries. is good, I agree with what was said but no European country has the diversity that is instead present policy has always been compulsory in Italy and this simplification of the party system can be very dangerous.
Over 60% of Italians are in favor of this reform as the same is to diminish the political fragmentation in Europe. But we wonder which fragment??
The European Parliament is very different from the Italian so that the same group (PPE) sit Forza Italy, Margherita, Udeur, UDC, etc.. parties in Italy are part of different sides! is that the first bale is removed.
Dance No. 2: you save on repayments that smaller parties with a few hundred thousand votes they get millions of euro. It is absolutely not true that Italy allocates € 150 million for reimbursement of election: cake instead of being divided between large and small will now only to parties that exceed 4%. Just to say, all the pennies if you divide PDL, PD, and IDV League. What a pretty crap: money and no money to the poor.
Famous Reggio said: 'the rich' Ricchizzi the dead 'the family' broke 'the pizza .. "

Dance Number 3: the vote of the Italian parliament will be more homogeneous. They forgot to say, for example, when you voted for the penalties to Italy in the European question Lampedusa Members and our loved ones were all at home? Among the few present, to tell the truth, the Hon. Romagnoli's Fiamma Tricolore to speak. The defense Italy da multe di milioni di euro affidata al Parlamentare della Fiamma eletto con lo 0,7%: complimenti!

Balla numero 4: In Europa ci deve andare gente competente. Definiscono in questo modo Iva Zanicchi, Lilli Gruber, Vittorio Prodi? Eh si perchè oltre ballerine e soubrette in Europa ci mandiamo anche fratelli, mogli, cognati oltre ovviamente i trombati che non hanno trovato posto nel Parlamento italiano.
Se gli organi di stampa del nostro caro Presidente del Consiglio dicessero questo agli italiani forse non ci sarebbe più quel 60% di favorevoli alla riforma.
Ma caro Silvio questi sgarbi li pagherai stai tranquillo alle amministrative.
Italia, anno 2009, ancora una volta vergogna!


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