Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny Poems For A Money Tree Wedding

La Fiamma sostiene il diritto al lavoro degli LSU/LPU

Ancora una volta la mediocrità della classe politica locridea è sotto gli occhi di tutti! Non bastassero le tante incompiute e l’impegno, diventato ormai quotidiano a favore di politiche per gli extra-comunitari anziché quello a risolvere i veri problemi, si aggiunge cleaning of the urban municipalities of endangered by the strike LSU / LPU that has lasted for several days.
And rightly so as we add they operate in conditions of insecurity for the past several years without words and much talk of the stabilization promise never to be followed by concrete action.
In addition, the fact that even from December 2008 are not paid the dues to the workers despite funds have already been allocated by region, so going to aggravate the situation of many single-income families at a time certainly not conducive to economic South in particular.

We can therefore not be considered fair and support the call by the unions of CGIL and CISL to stabilize workers operating in the territory thus putting an end to their precarious existence than that of the work.
We hope that we can arrive at a conclusion of the story before the election so that they do not become, as is usual in subjects blackmailed into the voting booth because of political patronage known to use by many local politicians. We are especially
indifference Zito put in place by the mayor who not only deserted the meeting of mayors of Locride but indicated as "long" i tempi necessari alla tanto richiesta stabilizzazione: ovvero quando non ci sarà più lui. I nostri più vivi complimenti per l’impegno!

Claudio Belcastro
Segreteria Provinciale Fiamma Tricolore


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