Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Like To Pikachu Shower

Vicini alla popolazione abruzzese!

La Federazione provinciale del Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore di Reggio Calabria esprime il proprio cordoglio the tragic events that are upsetting these days in the Abruzzo region and the city of Aquila in particular. Over 200 people have perished under the rubble and two days later, the earth continues to shake and erase entire countries. To all the families of the victims must be our thinking in these hours of anguish as well as pericolo.La our federation is ready to provide personnel and equipment in proportion to their availability should this be necessary.
Saturday, April 11 during the event that the Fiamma Tricolore held in Piazza San Giorgio, in addition to the program have already been established earlier, you can bring and donate essential items that will be inviati alla Protezione civile .
Nel frattempo invitiamo tutti gli italiani a donare 1 euro mandando un sms al numero 48580 . Il contributo andrĂ  interamete devoluto dagli operatori telefonici per la ricostruzione delle zone colpite dal grave sisma.
Reggio Calabria, 7 Aprile 2009
Ufficio Stampa Fiamma Reggio Calabria


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