Sunday, March 14, 2010

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the presence of the candidate for President of the Emilia Romagna Gian Luca Galletti was inaugurated the headquarters of the Election Committee to Giuseppe Bentivoglio in the Regional Council in Piazza Fanti 4 in Castel Bolognese. At the headquarters
material will be available on Bentley's candidacy and on the castle's Party and national levels. On the sidelines of the inauguration
Gian Luca Galletti said: "The only real useful vote UDC is given, because it helps break up this fake two-party that does not represent the electorate "and that" we are grateful to Bentley for accepting the nomination to the Regional Council, providing its experience and why Catholic nell'associazionismo is representative of a large chunk of the electorate, but most of the programs fully representative of our party. "
On the controversy on the agenda: the Decree of the lists and pie, Bentley points out, "center-right and center are in place to scream to confuse people, to distract from the problems of the country which can not give answers, it 'the opposition it 'the most di governo. Nelle due ultime settimane abbiamo continuato a fare campagna elettorale sui programmi, ad incontrare la gente. Pd e Pdl” - ha concluso – “fanno del tutto per non parlare di politica. Non hanno ancora detto una parola sui problemi dei disoccupati, degli anziani, delle famiglie, delle infrastrutture. Litigano su cose incomprensibili ai più”.
Bentivoglio sarà presente martedì mattina al mercato di Casola Valsenio per incontrare gli elettori e confrontarsi con loro.


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