Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Parts Of La Pinta Ship

ITALYA: a Catastrofe "donata" non si guarda in bocca!

(Editoriale Ilduce.net)

Cari amici, dopo diversi mesi di assenza, di problemi vari, di impegni politici torna, finalmente, l'aggiornamento de Ilduce.net

Qualcuno forse pensava che avessimo già mollato ma giunti a pochi giorni dal 9° anniversario dalla nascita di questo portale (29 marzo) sulla storia del Duce e del Fascismo, ritorniamo invece in carreggiata più entusiasti che mai e con quella "fame" di storia che da sempre ci contraddistingue.

Mentre vi scrivo ci troviamo alla vigilia delle elezioni regionali nell'Italia del caos e dell'illegalità diffusa. Un'Italia sfortunatamente antifascista, in quanto nell'Italia del "ventennio" certe cose non sarebbero mai potute accadere, circondata da inchieste su appalti e scandali della Protezione Civile, corsi e ricorsi per liste e firme false per le elezioni, decreti e veri e propri tentativi di golpe al buonsenso, all'onestà, alla "democrazia" (se con tale termine possiamo definire l'attuale metodo di gestione del potere in Italia).

I do not write to describe my disgust about the Party of snares, freedom is a term that in Italian politics really can not be used by soldiers of Deputies and the Senate, but today to describe my shame of being, not an Italian in the strict sense, but an Italian of the year 2000! A country where
disasters are very desirable, invoked, impatiently waiting to fill their own pockets with dirty money with the blood of men, women and children!
So with those journalists as Rizzo and Stella that allow you to do so Saputelli the lid off the pot and the scandals of modern waste we ask .... because the investigation is not against in your books you make them with the fascist regime?
Speaking of disasters, the media that joke for months now involving L'Aquila and its surroundings, we want to inform our readers about events the Irpinia earthquake that occurred in the night of July 23, 1930 that leveled whole countries (Pot 6.5 degrees Richter scale).
The same is not to be confused with the earthquake (Pot 6-degree Richter scale) that hit the same area 50 years later in 1980 and which still exist cabins with its inhabitants.
Italians say, dear Rizzo, Stella, various rulers and puppet of the TV in that case to Mussolini and his minister of Public Works Herald Crollalanza few months were enough to put up whole countries and with an order, style, architecture completely different from the slums and toy houses that are being built in Abruzzo. Few months and especially distant eighty years ago when there was no doubt the current technological tools.
Thus before the end of the year with over 5 000 4 000 homes repaired, and entirely new construction all Italian citizens were able to return to their homes.
The same area was hit fifty years later by another tremendous earthquake: not one of the buildings came down fascist but the funniest thing, thinking back to Italy today, which was then Minister of Public Works gave back to Mussolini 500 000 pounds, so to speak ... advanced. He then
Mussolini to his minister to say: "Excellence Crollalanza, the Italian government thanks you for not having rebuilt in a few months because it was his duty, but thank you for having saved the Treasury 500 000 lire ". Think of this Italian
today, blush, ashamed.
They continue to eat on your death and that of your loved ones.


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