Friday, February 26, 2010

When Will Chevy Change Tahoe Body

we joked! The Committee

Un mesetto fa abbiamo ringraziato a mezzo stampa il responsabile del PDL di Castel Bolognese per la sua disponibilità, ecc. ecc. , per averci concesso in prestito una bacheca, in modo da dare voce alle legittime proposte del locale gruppo dell’UDC.
Now, with the approaching election duel, we are told, we joked! .. The Board serves the PDL, because you have to understand .. image
pressure ... or ... what else? But then this renewed
UDC Castel Bolognese gets really scared, or a candidate for the regional warden is inconvenient?
from all this is the certainty that expenditure items were not backed by facts. This attitude shows
as bad as the work of the UDC is not acceptable.
At which point the PDL assumes political responsibility to put an end to the collaboration that led to the UDC to compete in the coalition that has occurred in municipal elections last June and this can only regret.
It 'obvious that the house of the People of Freedom is very cramped and is the bitter realization that presents itself as a leader who actually own play ..

Giuseppe Bentivoglio


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