Monday, February 1, 2010

Blue Prints For 1997 Plymoth Breeze Engine


the crowded meeting with the Hon. Pier Ferdinando Casini held Saturday, January 30 in Faenza, in addition to the presentation of the candidate for Mayor of Gilberto Bucci for the upcoming municipal elections and the meeting with the Faenza Rsu Omsa for known problems Faenza factory workers, the provincial secretary UdC Giancarlo Frassineti UDC presented candidates in the province of Ravenna for the regional elections next on 28-29 March 2010 in support of the application to Regional Chairman Mr. Gian Luca Galletti , Vice-President of Commission V (Budget, Treasury and Planning) of the Chamber of Deputies.
the provincial list for the proportional allotment, the candidates are from Ravenna:
· Alvaro Ancisi , Ravenna, national vice president Anci, a member of the Committee of Regions of the European Union, the National Council UDC leader in the municipal council of Ravenna;
· Giuseppe Bentivoglio , Castel Bolognese, former regional president AGESCI, a member of the ministerial advisory committees as part of parents in the school, a member of the Regional Council for the Pastoral Care Conference at the Episcopal School of Emilia Romagna;
· Francesco Morini, Lugo, director UDC province of Ravenna.
In the regional list, to the distribution of the majority (so-called "President's List), the candidate is from Ravenna:
· Daniela Mazzoni, Faenza, National Councillor UDC, UDC Provincial Deputy Secretary of Ravenna, former Councillor for Culture in the Municipality of Faenza .
With these candidates, the Party scudocrociato ravennate offre un contributo importante, qualificato, al progetto UdC per la Regione Emilia-Romagna, progetto teso al buon governo della nostra regione, finalizzato al bene comune, contrapponendosi ad un bipolarismo malato e inconcludente, che non ha portato a quelle riforme strutturali di cui c’รจ urgente bisogno, bipolarismo nel quale le due formazioni maggiori PdL e PD sono ostaggio rispettivamente delle due formazioni minori, radicali e populiste, Lega Nord e Italia dei Valori.

Il segretario UdC provincia di Ravenna
Giancarlo Frassineti


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