Friday, February 19, 2010

Spadina Chinatown Bridal

"around for Castle" met Giuseppe Bentivoglio (UDC)

E 'a few days ago the Committee's request "around for a Castle" to meet the candidates in the upcoming regional elections and we have news of a first contact.
Yesterday evening a delegation from the Committee was able to find the Social Centre Castellano Giuseppe Bentivoglio, candidate lists, and other members of the UDC UDC castellano. The meeting lasted for about two hours by touching various topics relating to the Via Emilia.
During that meeting we were able to point out the motivations that drive us to fight for the version for the past three years, even if they are waiting for sixty years: noise and air pollution levels above the legal limit, about twenty thousand of transit vehicles per day, of which fifteen hundred heavy vehicles; damage to human health; continuing danger to the safety of vulnerable road users; high number of accidents with serious or fatal consequences, unfortunately, damage to buildings overlooking the Via Emilia.
We also presented the track which should make a version of new construction, as is Associate Municipal Structural Plan reported. We have dispelled any doubt arrived at the table for discussion, namely that the path to the version that was presented as more than a decade ago. The current path, also the subject of the preliminary draft drawn up during the second Administration Morini, will develop downstream of Castel Bolognese, starting from the street Borello, where an underpass will be done by the State Railways, will continue in parallel with the railway and will be back on the road Emilia just a little 'over the domes. Casanola on the way will be made later by the State Railway underpass.
We welcome the meeting yesterday for several reasons. First Bentley has espresso subito la convinzione della necessità di una Variante per Castel Bolognese. Inoltre ha ben voluto precisare che il proprio impegno sarà duraturo nel tempo e assolutamente non fine alle imminenti elezioni. Si impegnerà per far entrare nel programma ufficiale dell’UDC la realizzazione della circonvallazione, come uno tra gli obiettivi primari. Oltre a ciò intende coinvolgere anche il Deputato della Repubblica Gian Luca Galletti, candidato alla Presidenza della Regione Emilia Romagna.
Come Comitato siamo molto soddisfatti di queste dichiarazioni. Cogliamo anche con favore una proposta del gruppo dell’UDC, che già in passato avevamo avanzato al “Tavolo per la Variante”, e cioè di utilizzare la via Emilia per expand the market on Friday morning. According to all those present would be a good way to stimulate the life of the center of Castel Bolognese, including the Via Emilia. From this perspective, we will return to interest the mayor Daniel Bambi. Lucio
Doors (Committee spokesman)


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