Sunday, April 25, 2010

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Riflessioni controcorrente sulla festa del 25 Aprile

Frankly I never understood what there is to celebrate April 25 : at school was a recurrence that represented all expectations as a vacation day but nothing more. Never done anything to commemorate a party arising from a war defeated and humiliated as we went out on one side and the other traitors! It was still a day of celebration and our questioning of children were born there and died almost immediately. In Italy no one hears their
this festival except that part of the political and institutional world for 65 years on speculation the deaths of many young people, fathers of families, civilians and that these deaths have built bridges of paper, he humiliated the memory, from one side and the other, and still organizes events crammed with useless rhetoric and devoid of any useful content for reflection.
The term "liberation" and the date of April 25 have little in common: it is rather the date on which Italy has ceased to be a Member sovereign and independent (more than 100 U.S. bases in Italy). It can be defined as "free" a country that is occupied by the Germans freed by Americans, British, French, Australians, New Zealanders, Indians even Morocco?
to occupation was followed another: and if things had gone differently, that the Germans had miraculously thrown overboard to the last Allied soldier today celebrating another release but in the opposite direction? Our opinion would change very little.
Ours is a very strange country where over 20 million members of the Fascist Party, forced or not, they disappear as fast as a hundred of thousands of partisans became ten times as much 25 to 30 April 1945.
The reality is that, dear readers this country has done to be free July 25, 1943 in its entirety and giving abdicating its sovereignty on September 8 of that year . The Social Republic in the central north, the south-central state to the Savoy, the Italian Republic in 1948 (with the fraudulent referendum that affected the Monarchy-Republic) emerged as representing the will of the occupying country. And even when you tried to become independent in strategic sectors, energy for example by Enrico Mattei, we have been prevented. Of that political rather than military disaster, Italy has never been more Recovery: Germany and Japan lost the war with the Anglo-Americans and the Russians, Italy has lost it all and with it the honor.
This is not meant to be a political article, in Italy we have many politicians who deal with history, the undersigned has instead done the opposite and, thus, perhaps presumptuously, more right than many other colleagues to discern the competence ' argument.

Reggio Calabria, April 24, 2010

Regional Coordinator
Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore


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