Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why Is The Puzzle Piece The Symbol For Autism

10/04/2010 - Press Release Donegani about support PD regional reforms on

PRESS RELEASE 10/04/2010

SICILY POLICY: Donegan (PD), comparing the Reformation, but the opposition

"The decision of the Regional Secretary Wolf, with the full consent of the Migliavacca coordinator, to postpone any decision at the next regional directorate of the party in regard to the consideration of financial Ars, is a clear return to the policy stated in the Regional Directorate of Dec. 19. No forward flight, and then, or step back, respect of the position. " And 'the assertions of the regional member of the Democratic Party, Mr Miguel Donegani, at the meeting of the Democratic Party siciliano in cui, alla presenza del coordinatore della segreteria nazionale, Maurizio Migliavacca, si è posto un freno all'ipotesi di sostegno al Lombardo Ter.
“Il confronto sulle riforme - precisa Donegani -, deve avvenire alla luce del sole ma dall'opposizione, confermando la collocazione politica scelta dalle urne alle elezioni regionali. Non convince la confusione dei ruoli e dei mandati elettorali, tra chi è stato chiamato a governare e chi a controllarne l'operato, non foss'altro perché ciò regala un immotivato alibi al primo ed al contempo chiama il secondo anche e, soprattutto, a responsabilità non proprie”.
“Il PD non può tirarsi indietro - conclude Donegani - nel valutare con spirito critico, serenity of trial and solely in the interests of the Sicilians, it is a measure and the necessary reforms remained unfulfilled at the time obviously, but to strive to create the conditions to grow and finally become a real alternative in Sicily of government, no new associations and Appendices internal and, at this particular time, be in conflict with the need to close ranks and make a clear and unique profile of the party really cha face synthesis from the different sensitivity, as expressed by Secretary Wolff. "

Mr Miguel Donegani


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