Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What Were The Main Parts Of La Pinta

Donegani Press Release On the August 2 2010 on Radiation in Gela

PRESS RELEASE 02/08/2010


"The inauguration of the works for the construction of the radiation therapy is a success the entire community Gela that, historically, in terms of health care can hardly be said to be well used on the merits." E 'assertion of PD Ars Gela Congressman, Hon. Miguel Donegani.
"At the time of laying the first stone - Donegani admit - I was inspired by a good dose of emotion combined with a touch of pride, the result reached by virtue of an amendment which I tabled in the approval of the law Regional health care reform and thanks to which, compared to a complete reorganization of the material that actually cleared the existing legislative framework, innovating from scratch, since it is no coincidence that the basic law, with the prediction of activation "of new units in complex disciplines in oncology and radiotherapy in Hospitals and hospital districts that fall in areas of high environmental risk" has managed to save radiotherapy in Gela.
"In this - Donegani stresses - not to be identified merely by exercising a right of personal pride, but the formal attribute of a duty that I was delegated by the citizens and, above all, the concrete sign of esteem and appreciation for the staff ' steadfast dedication and promoted so much energy expended by the late Crucifix Muscat, the committee which was headed e dalle associazioni di volontariato che si sono spese al riguardo, con cui ho concordato l'intervento nella sopra citata Legge n. 5 del 2009, poi diventato comma III dell'art. 6, in un proficuo lavoro di sinergia senza il quale non saremmo arrivati a tutto questo. Un'intuizione condivisa come detto e felice, visto quanto assistiamo oggi, a differenza invece dell'altra tesi sostenuta allora nel parlamento regionale e che poggiava sul criterio demografico. Del resto e com'è giusto che sia, più che l'accessorio e superfluo balletto sulla paternalità del progetto, a parlare sono sempre e comunque gli atti parlamentari».
«Cionondimeno – conclude Donegani – non siamo ancora ai titoli di coda e ci sono altri passaggi da effettuare. This morning, to be honest, has opened a prospect which will in any case vigilant in monitoring the time and ways leading to the completion of the structure and its actual operation, so that we can definitely and only then put the word an end to too many and anachronistic, journeys of hope that continue to involve many citizens Gela.

Mr Miguel Donegani


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