Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Does The White Dot On

Caro bollette a Militello in Val di Catania.

As you all know, Militello Val di Catania is one of the more common "Virtuoso" in Sicily and elsewhere. . . regarding the percentage of "RECYCLING" achieved, which would amount to about 55%. . . you'll wonder. . . SO WHAT?!
The strange thing is that despite the Virtuosi '. " . . U.S.. . . pay your bill in the garbage as much as € 3.90 per square meter (for residential premises). . . but not stray too far from our territory, the municipality of Scordia, which has a rate of about 25% of "RECYCLING" reached (as much as 30% less), pay € 2.80 per square meter (for residential premises ). . . not to mention the rest of the municipalities' s Italy where prices range from € 1.90 to € 2.40 per square meter! ! !
We believe that something that should not be there, but mostly because no ADMINISTRATOR "Act" to protect ourselves from this "injustice"? ? ! !

GOOD REFLECTION. . . but, as always. . . All is well! ! !

PS To find out more or to compare rates with such 'other towns' s Italy, you can run a Google search using "RATES TARSU 2010. . . buen descubrimiento! ! !


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