Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holographic Will Pros And Cons

candidate UDC 2010 regional elections

18 dicembre 2009

Nel corso della cena di Buon Natale UdC tenutasi i giorni scorsi a Faenza, Giancarlo Frassineti the provincial secretary announced that Giuseppe Bentivoglio, the expression in the Faenza area, it will be a candidate for cross-training shield to the regional elections in 2010.
Bentivoglio, fifty years, two sons, a native and resident of Castel Bolognese. Graduate Commercial Expert, and clerks at a computer company Imola. For over fifteen years work nell'associazionismo Catholic family, aimed at schools and social policies, with offices at regional and national levels. E 'component of the ministerial advisory committees in the school and parents as part of the Regional Council for Pastoral Education at the Episcopal Conference of Emilia Romagna. The first experience of active politics, he grew up in a family involved in politics: his father Gino Bentivoglio, missed last August, was city councilor and councilor at Castel Bolognese from 1956 to 1975, played in the Christian Democrats.
The presidential candidate of the Emilia-Romagna on. Gian Luca Galletti, national officer of the Department of Economic UDC, who attended the evening along with the National Council UdC Daniela Mazzoni and Álvaro Ancisi and the mayoral candidate for the Municipality of Faenza Gilberto Bucci, wished to contribute usefully to Bentley with his candidacy for political battle UDC, which aims to counter this ill bipolar and inconclusive that ha portato a quelle riforme strutturali di cui il Paese ed il territorio regionale ha bisogno, bipolarismo nel quale le due formazioni maggiori PdL e PD sono ostaggio rispettivamente delle due formazioni minori, radicali e populiste, Lega Nord e Italia dei Valori. L’UdC nelle elezioni regionali dell’Emilia-Romagna si presenterà in autonomia, rivolgendosi ai cittadini con una propria proposta di buon governo, al servizio del bene comune.


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