Friday, January 1, 2010

Using 9% Vinegar As Deodorant


15 novembre 2009
La Corte Europea dei diritti dell’uomo ha stabilito che la presenza dei crocifissi nelle aule scolastiche viola il “diritto dei genitori di educare i figli secondo le loro convinzioni” oltre a ledere la “libertà di religione pupils. "This ruling offends us and worries us because nobody can teach without these values \u200b\u200band live only in companies that recognize the source now, the crucifix in public places, as recognized by the State Council in 2006, is a symbol of Italian history and culture and consequently the identity of the country, and is the symbol of the principles of equality, freedom, tolerance and secularism Stato.Al the place of this symbol we are now being brought on nothing, or as the Cardinal said Bertone there is left for Halloween pumpkin, nothing in the name of a false respect for all (which actually is called relativism) wants to hide two thousand years of history that have built our coexistence. This will neutralize not only the contents of the different cultural positions, but as a result, even in human relations: do not educate more people through relationships able to convey meaning and identity, but individuals who themselves live in a society indifferent to any reference values. At the end of this journey is only the defeat of man. The choice of the European Court to reject the presence of crucifixes in schools is the first consequence of the greed of European leaders, who refused to mention the Christian roots in the European Constitution and anyway, no crucifixes in classrooms has never violated our freedom of religion, or la crescita e la libera professione delle fedi religiose.Quel simbolo è un patrimonio civile di tutti gli italiani, perché è il segno dell’identità cristiana dell’Italia e anche dell’Europa.


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